Speech Coaching For Global Professionals with Sarah Gallant
Speech Coaching For Global Professionals w/ Sarah Gallant
Brian Casel: [00:00:00]
Hey, Brian Casel here. I'm the founder of Clarityflow today. I'm talking to Sarah Gallant. Sarah is a speech and language coach working with professionals all over the world.
It was really a fascinating interview. And you know, it's, what's so interesting to me is that Sarah is not so pigeonholed on a specific language or a specific region to English. It's, you know, she's working with professionals who are already. You know, English speakers, but they just need to be more effective in communicating with their colleagues in meetings or presenting to to entire rooms or entire audiences.
What, what was also really fascinating is just the global scale and the, and how all these companies are becoming so global. You know, where somebody might need to communicate [00:01:00] from India to team members in Chicago and Sydney and in Europe. And it's incredibly challenging to be a professional in this world, no matter where you're from. And what Sarah does with CommuniClear Global is really helps these individual professionals and their teams become more effective at communicating across the world.
So really fascinating line of coaching and it's been really cool to hear how Sarah has evolved her structure of what she offers with the introduction of asynchronous tools like Clarityflow, of course and like other performance type coaching, you know, there is a performance aspect of, of someone practicing lines, practicing speech and Sarah being able to coach and give feedback on that. So that's an interesting use case for asynchronous and working remotely.
So, yeah, we covered a lot of really interesting ground on here. I think you'll really enjoy [00:02:00] it. Here's my conversation with Sarah Gallant. Enjoy.
All right. I'm here with Sarah Gallant. Sarah, great to connect with
Sarah Gallant: Ah, great to see you again as well,
Brian. Thanks. Thanks for having
Brian Casel: yeah. yeah. You know, I was just saying to you just before we started recording that I, I do get hear a a lot from from coaches and trainers in speech and language and public speaking. I know these are like very different areas, but it seems like, it's, it's really like an interesting. Niche, if you will.
Niche. Niche.
I never know how to say that.
Sarah Gallant: Tomato. Tomato.
Brian Casel: Right.
So I'm really excited to talk to you about, about that, this whole area of
of coaching.
What I usually like to start off these conversations by instead of like, what do you do, how do you describe.
You know who your typical client is, or maybe a recent [00:03:00] client or or two, like who, who is that person and how do they kind of engage with
Sarah Gallant: Yeah. Well, I typically, people come to me they are Working. There are global professionals who are struggling with being understood in spoken English. So they come to me saying, you know, I really have a need, not only to, let's say, improve my speech, which I'll talk a little more about, or my English sentence structure but also just to feel more confident speaking. At work, in meetings, et cetera. So just to, you know, I work with people who are both located in the US as well as in different countries. And at this point I'm working, I would say 99% of the people I work with are actually, you know, Like, like a lot of people online by video conference.
So just to give you a sense of somebody who might come to me I have a one new recent, recently new client who is came to me. She has a, an attorney [00:04:00] She's established, she's been working at her law firm for let's say seven years. Her first language is Chinese, so she's from China. And sh so you know, she has established, but she is getting feedback from her, her, you know, her colleagues, that it sometimes difficult to understand what she's
saying and
Brian Casel: and I'd imagine
in in the legal world, that's extremely
Sarah Gallant: And in her case, yeah, and in her case she's actually in the courtroom. And then she also has like a leader role at a professional association, you know, here in Chicago. So she came to me looking for what they call an accent reduction coach, which is a very kind of a. Thorny, you know, how to label that aspect of what I do.
Accent reduction, English pronunciation skills. But she said, you know, I, I wanna boost my confidence. I wanna understand how I can improve. I, she's like, you know, I go to YouTube videos.
I have even an enrolled [00:05:00] in some like English pronunciation online classes, which are a hundred percent online. But she said it's not working. And so I wanna get really You know, individualized feedback and
Brian Casel: I can imagine it's like it's so much more than just learning the language or the correct way to say something. I would imagine, especially in the professional world, it's like, uh. What's the, what's the most effective way to say something in, in a way that like, this group of people will, will really get it.
Sarah Gallant: right. And, and you know,
Brian Casel: or, or like, like, maybe saying things in a way that technically the, the words might be correct, but the person doesn't really understand what you're trying to get
Sarah Gallant: Well, and you know, that, that's like one misconception, you know, like even in this field of, you know, I've been in the English language training industry for, you know, field for 20, 25 years, and it was really only like 20 years ago. I mean, obviously people have always been teaching [00:06:00] pronunciation, but the focus of what you, you know, how you help Learners has always been on individual sounds and now they're, you know, obviously the sounds are important, but also like there are elements of the music, of the language, like the rhythm, which is typically not addressed very in depth in school, you know, and, you know, so it's really just about getting, helping people to be understood. And, and if they, if they're like in a, you know, like in the case of this Recent client that the attorney in her case, she probably, I would imagine needs help with, you know, proving or guiding the listener's attention to a specific point. So knowing how to adjust your voice when it's not your native language is gonna be a very useful, you know, skill to kind of
Brian Casel: So, I mean, I was kind of browsing your, your website at, at CommuniClear Global and, we'll, we'll get it all linked up in the [00:07:00] notes for this, but I was a little bit unclear about like, okay, so
are there, are there particular languages, I mean, you, that, that example the person was Chinese, are, are you multilingual?
Like how does,
Sarah Gallant: this is the No. Great, excellent question. Thanks for asking. I am not, you know, like can speak Spanish. I know some Portuguese, I know some Italian, but I, the people who come to me typically are Interestingly, in the past, pre covid was more very, very, let's say, proficient or extremely advanced speakers who were, you know, and even sometimes native speakers say from India, you know, so they have, you know, their first official language might be Hindi English, and then a language from a province.
So they're, you know, I
forgot your question. I'm sorry.
Brian Casel: Yeah. Like how do you how do you
deal with like, they're, they're coming from, from all different parts of the world, so it sounds to me like your
clients, they're, [00:08:00] they're, already English
Sarah Gallant: already English
Brian Casel: they just need, they need to be just more effective in. In the way that
Sarah Gallant: They're
Brian Casel: colleagues are, are speaking.
Sarah Gallant: Right. Well, and you know Yeah. And like, like I have like one client who is a company employee. I don't You know, he's in Chile. He's probably, let's say an intermediate if you're like, to give him a level and, but his job involves managing global teams, global projects. He said, you know, I don't feel like I have a comfortable enough of a command in the language.
I don't have enough vocabulary. So, you know, I've been actually using Clarityflow for everybody I'm working with right now and with him in particular, I'm either helping him with a work project in terms of it being able to express his ideas or you know, you know, or impromptu speaking. And so in terms of the people who I work with, you know, yeah, I've worked with people of probably 16 different
[00:09:00] backgrounds, maybe 18, maybe 20
at this point. But their English is at a level where, you know, the communication is such that it's not, you know, they know enough.
for me to work with.
Does that make
Brian Casel: Yeah. Yeah,
Sarah Gallant: So it's really about helping people kinda like advance their spoken English, whether it's like language use or, you know, increasingly have more people also coming to me to work with vocal projections.
you know, it,
it's a
Brian Casel: I was, that was actually my
next question is like, what
is typically the. The, the main like goal or aspiration for your, for your clients? It sounds like it's probably a mix of things. So like is it like communicating with their teams, with their colleagues? Is it like public speaking in, in front of like large groups?
Sarah Gallant: it's a mix. I'm very at this point. You know, like when I started out. I mean, I started out teaching at, at a, you know, university here in Chicago, and the [00:10:00] people I was working with were graduate students who were, you know, hired on their international graduate students who were, you know, in chemistry or engineering. And the departments wanted to hire them to be a ta, meaning to throw them in the classroom. Yet their spoken English was difficult to understand.
So in that, you know, so from there I was also working with um, you know, speakers who are physically located in India and their jobs were to communicate with people here who are here in Chicago as well as in Australia. And there's a lot of tension just because of the accent interference. So,
Brian Casel: Yeah.
Sarah Gallant: you know, I would say it was more of a priority in terms of people saying, I want English pronunciation, accent reduction coaching now has shifted more to, like, I am thrown into situations where I suddenly have to lead teams. I have [00:11:00] to give presentations and depending on any given client, which I always find out during that first call, you know, we kind of grab, kind of like orient the coaching to whatever they're needing
to do for work.
But it is primarily for professional
Brian Casel: You know, it's, it, it's starting to occur to me now, like these large global companies. It must be so difficult to communicate when you have teams in . In so many different parts of the world, like you were just describing, like somebody in india needs to communicate with teams in Chicago and
Australia and and I think about like, I know, I know people from these different areas and it's like, yeah, they're all speaking English, but it is a very different English
Sarah Gallant: It is. And you know, and like, you know, and really in all honesty, you know, especially when you have non-natives communicating with non-natives because there are more non-natives than natives of English speakers of English. You know, it's just about getting the message across, keeping the message
delivery simple, [00:12:00] you know, and that's something else.
I also kind of work with Depending on the, the coaching need, which is message delivery, so that you're focusing on the key idea
to get out. You know? But yeah, it's, you know,
I think it's kind of a,
I've heard
Brian Casel: Then even like within the United
States, I mean, I'm, I'm, from New York originally, and like there's a,
Sarah Gallant: no,
Brian Casel: speak way different
than like California and Texas and Chicago and,
Sarah Gallant: Yeah. Yeah. And I love it because you learn about kinda the
influences of culture that play into people's experiences, depending on whether they're here, like you were saying, like in New York, or perhaps, you know, they're still physically
somewhere else. So
Brian Casel: Yep. So, tell me a bit more about like the, how, what, what a typical engagement looks like. And, and again, I was browsing your site and I see you
you do coaching, you also do like programs, group programs and trainings. Like how does it all sort of, fit
Sarah Gallant: work out. You mean kinda like, well, you know, kinda like when I am, even like when somebody first comes to me and how do I [00:13:00] kind of figure
out what do I offer?
Primarily yeah, so like during any, you know, like when somebody comes to me obviously I learn about what they're looking for. I look, I always ask like, what are you not looking for in a coach?
Right? What are you looking for? What's your key objective? Where do you want to get to in terms of short-term goals? And then typically I've been offering. So I've been doing primarily one-on-one coaching for the past, I would say
since Covid pre COVI, I was working more with like, either I had an office downtown, so I sometimes ran small group programs or you know, the. you know, I ran these kind of programs for these group of pharmaceutical employees in India for a number of years, is something I created early on and that went really well. This is kind of pre
zoom days.
Brian Casel: Huh?
Sarah Gallant: So it's been primarily one-on-one, and now I'm kind of moving in a direction of wanting to provide group coaching, and [00:14:00] that's getting probably beyond not working just with speech or accent, because that's also these people, the people who need that typically come to me being very, very busy. They don't have time, they don't feel either. It might be about the exposure of getting the individualized feedback because
you know, it can be very, you know, nitty gritty specific. But kind of I'm kind of moving a little more into, let's say fluency
coaching, trying to get that into a group coaching situation, and then also offering a more pat do, working on
more passive
I've created a lot of materials since I started this. You know, I've been in business now for 10 years, so I've created a lot of materials and probably have not done myself justice in terms of what I could.
Offer, you know,
to actually get revenue, more
revenue coming in,
Brian Casel: We were talking about this being like a, like a niche, but
it's such a huge global ocean of [00:15:00] different needs in, in the areas of
speech and, and communication, you know? So
definitely wanna get into like how you're transitioning into like, the group stuff and more passive, but like,
even more basically.
Sarah Gallant: How do I, actually
work? Yeah.
Brian Casel: well, I, I'm kind of curious about like, okay, so I know it is like mostly
like professionals. Are you mostly working with like a. An individual person or would like a company approach you and say like, we, we wanna bring you in for like our
department or something like
Sarah Gallant: It's been both, you know, individuals will typically when it comes to like working with accent speech is
really the individual because it's a very, you know, in, in a company, maybe during a one on, you know, like during a, an annual review and creating an action plan. They might get feedback.
You're difficult to understand, you know, improve your ability to communicate in meetings, you know, so it's never really directly addressed as speech because it can then become, [00:16:00] you know, especially in this,
you know, these days, you know, it becomes politicized. And, and that's something I've struggled with in the very, very beginning in terms of the marketing of it. 'cause it's like, well, I can't,
you know what I mean?
Ooh. Accent reduction. I mean, I
love accents, you know, so it's not, you know, people have kind, it, it sets
kind of a,
concept, you know,
a, preconception like, Ooh,
Brian Casel: is a fine line between, like, this is like personal professional. We, we need to be effective at
work. We need to, you know, but we, we
we're all individuals here, right? So,
Sarah Gallant: Right. So a lot of the, so you know, I have had com you know, I have had companies come to me work to work with an individual. I've had companies come to me saying, we have a group of employees the scientific researchers, like in India, the example I gave you, can you help? And I've created programs and, you know, it's like been good. But I would say, you know, nowadays, especially with when Covid kind of happened from [00:17:00] contacts I have who are more in like, kinda like in a larger relocation companies I have heard like essentially the concern, like in the old days it was like, oh, we can't really understand person X. But we're gonna go and follow up with emails and kind of make sure we get things clarified when Covid, you know, with COVD where everybody's like maxed out in terms of putting in long hour days in the corporate arena. The whole issue of speech is like,
we don't care anymore. So it's, you know, so pe you know, I think it's kind of, it's kind
of a tricky
topic. Yeah.
Brian Casel: It sounds like, the transition with, with Covid really made a pretty big impact on how you work and, and who you work with,
Sarah Gallant: yeah.
Brian Casel: what did that look like?
Like what, so
correct me if I'm wrong, like, but
but pre Covid, were you
more local region regional in-person? And it became more global as you, as you went remote on Zoom and after Covid or?
Sarah Gallant: Good question. I would [00:18:00] say there was definitely more like pre covid. Part of growing the business was I would go to say a, you know, networking event or like in the office space, it was like an office, kinda like a coworking space for entrepreneurs. So, you know, you, you know, there are opportunities to meet people and that can lead to making connections. That's really, you know, I felt like, okay, I, that kind of, it's like business by referral, past clients, referring people, and then keeping new people, And I've always been bad at marketing, so I know that , you know
is my, like a lot of people in my position. It's like, but yeah, so it, it now it's shifted also like in how I'm doing things.
Like my whole approach has shifted as well in terms of what I'm offering. So like coming to, you know, with Clarityflow, one of my, you know, kind of con Suzanne somebody who
knew, knew your product. She, she and I were [00:19:00] communicating about my website and I'm like, Hmm. And your
message at the
And I was like, oh, this is an interesting tool. 'cause that's how she communicated with me. And I was like, oh my gosh, let me, let me, let
me look more into this. So, you know, I think that, you know, that this tool is actually kind of instrumental, I think, in all honesty to my kind of going
Brian Casel: That's awesome. Yeah, I wanna hear more about that.
So I, You and I spoke about this a few months back.
How, how are
you using, I mean, Clarityflow, but just asynchronous in general?
Sarah Gallant: Yeah,
Brian Casel: And, and from what I remember from our previous conversations, correct me if I'm wrong, but
you do like direct coaching, but there's also like a performance aspect to it, right?
Sarah Gallant: A hundred
Brian Casel: like, exercises in, in speech that you can do asynchronously. Can, can you tell us about that?
Sarah Gallant: Yeah. Yeah. So, so my clients, when I work with them, they have access to my online modules, and then when we, you know, whether we're meeting live, you're asking about the [00:20:00] asynchronous, with the asynchronous piece, I will, you know. create a topic, you know, and this is again, based on what, whatever they're having to do for work. So if I have somebody who's having to prepare for a presentation, they have reviewed a specific module on a specific pronunciation topic, if we're kind of focusing on the speech I will then say, okay, I want you to talk about slides. Maybe if we're working on slides over a period of time, record slides one through three. You know, and, and then I'll give you feedback on whatever the specific pronunciation topic is. So either they record directly on the Clarityflow, or you know, they may upload, you know, if they're like doing something like
a screen recording. And then they upload it. And then what I do is I take the transcript feature. which I love. And then I'm able to like, you know, I'll listen to the recording. I'll say, okay, let's really [00:21:00] focus on this specific aspect that is the speech feature of the week. And anything before I highlight the transcript. And then I give
them my feedback,
you know, by talking.
So it's been, yeah, it's been, it's been great.
You know, and then I'll like, you know, you know, they'll, you know, I'll say note, post a note saying, Hey, the feedback's available, or they know it's gonna be available because we've set up
for it.
Brian Casel: Yeah. They'll get the notification and
Sarah Gallant: Correct.
Yeah. Yeah.
Brian Casel: I mean, it's just like any other, like
performance coach, right? Like if you're improving your, your golf swing,
they'll, they'll take a video and, and analyze the video,
Sarah Gallant: Exactly. Yeah. And part of the, you know, part of the coaching and there does also kind of gets into training is
there's like ear training, you know, so some of these, some of the people I work with, I can always tell who has more of a musical background. And who doesn't. 'cause the people have a musical background. They're, you know, if they had the language for talking about whatever speech topic,
they can catch it. So, you know, that's always something I integrate into the [00:22:00] beginning of any program because, you know, being able to listen to your own recording and evaluated is a, an incredibly
critical part of the process. You know, so whether you're doing presentation coaching. You know, audio, you know, speech coaching that ability to be able to like hear yourself also helps you to catch it in other speakers, which helps to reinforce
whatever it is. So, I've found it to be very, very efficient that
can, that process. Yeah.
Brian Casel: And I would also imagine, especially in your
work, everyone's working remotely now, but like you're really talk, talking to people in China and Australia and India, I mean, at the
the time zones with the asynchronous must,
Sarah Gallant: it, it, it's wonderful. 'cause it's wonderful. Like in the old days I worked like all, like a lot of people who had their own businesses in the beginning was working all crazy hours. You know, got, I got married after
Covid, so like now I'm like, okay, have per more of a person, you know,
I have to keep it contained.
So it's been really,
really [00:23:00] great for that
Brian Casel: And you mentioned you have modules, so you have like, so, so these are like prerecorded, content or, or like exercises that many clients use repeatedly.
Sarah Gallant: Yeah. It's kind of a combination of like short, like, you know, like mini lectures, maybe anywhere from Three to five minutes,
depending on what the topic is. Some of them are like one minute, you know, again, kind of depends. PDFs, you know, which include warmups. And then there are like daily practice pages. So for the people who do you know, really, like I had one group who were, they were located in Vietnam and they typically. Kind of break off their endings. They don't really have a very difficult time producing the consonant endings, not to get too technical. And so I told them, you know, we would meet and say, go through the materials, through the mini lectures. To at least have, so we have a common language when we meet, [00:24:00] but in your case, also go through the daily practice pages, which I've created by text,
you know, through the
platform. So it's very, very specific and it's, you know, it's very
technical what I do. And so the people I work with, lawyers are typically very deep, you know, dig deep, get analytical, you know, that they do communicate. Engineers love structure. So you, I put everything in terms of the English sound system, and I just kind of have broken it
up into kinda like chunks and every, you know,
like daily
practice pages.
Brian Casel: What I, what I love about what you do here with the, with the prerecorded
material, and this was
really instrumental for, for me and for Clar when we were designing. The shift into Clarityflow and, and these
what, what we now call the library in in Clarityflow.
One of the big learnings that I had from, from you and from many other coaches was this idea of like having a, literally a library of content and modules that you can pick and choose [00:25:00] and curate for each individual
And I think that's what's kind
of unique about how coaches use. What's typically like a course, you know, a lot of, a lot of coaches sort of like resort
to picking up like a course software, but that's,
you're not, you know, you're not necessarily teaching
like lesson one, lesson two, lesson
Sarah Gallant: right? No, exactly.
Brian Casel: client needs just these,
Sarah Gallant: Yeah. And that's, you know, yeah. And I actually need to explore the library function a little more. 'cause I've just started using, I'm like, oh my gosh, 'cause you upgraded everything so fast. And I was in the middle of I was like It is a great feature.
And you know, a lot, of
Brian Casel: to us, but, but yeah, there, there's a lot, actually, literally just today we launched like a whole new like training guide and videos
Sarah Gallant: Oh, great, great. Well, I'll
Brian Casel: we're like, we, we
ship these features and then we like circle back around a month later with actual like guides on how to
Sarah Gallant: Thank you
for people like me. Thank you very much but I was gonna just say like, you know, like during any coaching, you know, session, you know, depending on kind of what's come up [00:26:00] in the per 'cause, I always start by saying, you know, like, what do you wanna focus on today? Do you want to do work related?
Do you wanna do not work related? What's going on in your world? And sometimes I'll get like, I am so stressed out. And so I'll pause and I'll pull a document, like a warmup, just that's used with the purpose of like reducing stress, you know, like for, you know, like kinda like, you know, kinda like warmups for like, you know, presentations and you know, kind of just getting them back in their bodies and
we kind of do stretching.
So it goes from that to you know, they may come onto the call saying, I need a technique to help with the specific speech feature. Or we'll figure it out together in the course of a session. Now that I have access to the public library, it's gonna make it even easier because I've, you know, I've got a whole, you know, folders and materials on this
so the spontaneity, I think is what I love about Clarityflow. It's like, oh,
is this gonna make it even better? 'cause the spontaneity feature is so critical these days 'cause everybody's overworked, you know? And you want [00:27:00] people to feel like they're in a good head space to Work and speech,
even if they're exhausted or
stressed out. so
Brian Casel: so so yeah,
let's get back into like some of the the newer developments
Sarah Gallant: Yeah,
Brian Casel: and how you structure your
business and how you're changing up your, your offerings and everything.
I guess going from like one, one to one engagements, which I'm, I'm sure are. You know, a, a continuous thing for you, right?
Sarah Gallant: probably.
Brian Casel: How, how do you
how, how do you start to make the transition to, to a group setting and, and I would imagine like one of the challenges would be like
everyone in a particular group or a cohort sort of needs to be in the same level or the same kind of challenges to, to all learn together or
or maybe not. I don't know.
Sarah Gallant: Well, you know, like, actually I'm offering a, I'm gonna, I mean, I've done like a lot of, I mean, I Have many years of teaching, working with groups of multilingual speakers. Right? So like that was more like kinda like in a university [00:28:00] teaching, you know, having groups work together and, you know, everybody has perhaps a specific, you know, like they need to improve something more than the person next to them. But there's so much, you know, in that. When I was doing that, there's a lot of value that of kind of interacting with me, but also interacting with other speakers. And so at the group programs, I'm, you know, intending on, we'll have like one live group session per week where I'll, we'll do a lot of, you know, like live, like for fluency depending on the level. Um, you know, I'll, we will do, you know, they'll be contained like six to eight people. Okay. And there are various, you know, things that we're gonna do as a group in addition to dealing with strategy. And then I'm also gonna offer an, you know, kinda like a online community platform where they can interact with each other and then I'll give them an assignment or give them a task and a buddy kinda like an accountability [00:29:00] buddy where they can also kinda like interact with people outside of the one hour
that we spend.
If that
Brian Casel: I, I love,
Sarah Gallant: it's,
it's very organic, you know, and you know, all, they
all can learn from
other. Right. So I'm my job.
Brian Casel: big value with, with the, with group coaching,
I think is like, of, of course it's a way to sort of like scale your expertise to helping more people simultaneously in
a group. But, but I, I really think
that most students or, or clients like the. More than half of the value that they're getting is actually just being in a group and, and learning
Sarah Gallant: I agree.
Brian Casel: notes, you know? .
Sarah Gallant: No, I, I agree. And I also think like sometimes like it kind of just the accountability piece of it. Like if it's, I mean I did teach English pronunciation skills programs
and they liked it for that reason. You know, they're like, this is great. 'cause they're still main, you know, keeping contact with each other when we weren't meeting. That's something I would love to kinda like offer online. But, you know, I might go back
to that.
Brian Casel: How are you
[00:30:00] structuring it? Like, are there, so you mentioned like small groups are,
is there
like a enrollment period where you're doing these? Like throughout the year?
Sarah Gallant: Good question. 'cause I'm offering my
first one in December, so like, I'm just kind of keeping it small, kinda like, as a, kinda like a test period. So it's gonna be kinda like, like a little more of a reduced pricing. It's on my website now. I need to work on marketing it a little more. And I'm letting past clients, you know, people I've worked with I've. Work with a number. I have worked, and I'm currently working with one-on-one CEOs of
larger companies. So I'm about to kind of, you know, announce literally this week, this is what I'm gonna be running in December, and then it will continue into the new year, but it's just like a three week
kind of trial
period. So, yeah. Yeah. So, Yes.
I'm not sure if that
answered your
Brian Casel: No, that, that's great. I, I think it's, I think it's so cool to see so many different coaches starting to experiment with, um. You [00:31:00] know, being able to offer value in new ways other than just booking your calendar solid
Sarah Gallant: No, I, I am, yeah.
Brian Casel: you know?
Sarah Gallant: In all honesty, that's
one of my key goals too. You know, like a lot, a lot of people talk about coaches, like, okay, I wanna, it's time to scale. It's time to get away from one-to-one, you know, coaching, because I like it, but
it does consume a lot of time. So just and energy, personal energy. I'm, I would say I'm more of an introvert, so it's
like, you know,
Brian Casel: Yeah, I mean, so like what, as we start to wrap up here,
Sarah Gallant: Yeah,
Brian Casel: you know, you talked about like the group
stuff, getting into more passive income and, and then getting into like 20, 24. What else are, are you sort of like looking ahead to, in terms of like where you'd like to evolve CommuniClear Global and, and your
Sarah Gallant: well, one kind of vision I have is, you know, I'm still pretty connected to people I've worked with who are kinda in my area of expertise here in Chicago. They're still at the university and. [00:32:00] One idea. I, you know, I'm, it is something I had from the very beginning and then kind of has gone through various permutations over the years. But, you know, having a small group of people who also, you know, we have that kind, that language for helping people with clarity and, you know, hiring a few more people and to kind of take my place for giving the the individualized feedback. On the
program. So that's one aspect of what
kind of like looking to
Brian Casel: It's such a big step and, and you know?
so many coach,
not just coaches, but like any, any professionals really
going from
just you to, especially when it's you being the coach and the expert and
the having the personal relationship.
And bringing on other coaches to, to work with you and, and offer that.
But, but you've already,
you've already taken, I think, one, one of the key steps, which is having this brand of CommuniClear Global, right? Like it's not
Sarah Gallant: which sounds like a [00:33:00] large
I know.
Brian Casel: yeah, of
Sarah Gallant: transparency. I know it sounds like a large company, So,
Brian Casel: But that, but you know, it's also where the, having like the library of modules, it's like this is the, the program and other people who have these skills can
deliver the program.
Sarah Gallant: Exactly. So that's, you know, that's something that's kind of clicking into place as I'm kind of getting back into kinda like learning more about all the upgrades you've made. It's like, ooh, okay, how could I do this? Thinking about trying to take that next leap
Brian Casel: I love it. Yeah. And our spaces feature as well
is, is really good for, for forming groups and cohorts,
Sarah Gallant: Yeah, I was about to upgrade my I'm on the legacy plan, but I decided
I'm gonna
Brian Casel: Yeah. Great. Again, we, we've got all new
guides for
that stuff.
Sarah, you, you've been so helpful as a
as a customer and, and also just as you know, giving a lot of feedback about the product. And, and again, you know,
what, what you do, um. It, it follows a lot of the same patterns that [00:34:00] we see across so many different coaches, especially in like language and, and speaking, but like,
even other, other, you know,
We, we have a few coaches who are in like guitar teaching and, and singing coaches and
things like that. And
there's a lot of similarities in like, in when it's like a performance based coaching,
Sarah Gallant: Absolutely. Absolutely. No, no. And I love it that the
tool is so multidimensional, so it's like text, video, audio. So
I think
it kind of
allows for that.
Brian Casel: Very cool. Well, well, thanks for doing this, Sarah. It was great to
connect again.
Sarah Gallant: Okay,
you too. Thanks so much.
Alright, bye-Bye.
Brian Casel: So that wraps up today's episode of Claritycast. I hope you were able to get a few nuggets of clarity to help you grow your coaching business. You can watch the videos of these conversations on our YouTube channel, like, and subscribe to us there. And I'd really [00:35:00] appreciate if you'd give the Claritycast podcast a five star review in iTunes, that really helps us reach more folks like you.
Today's episode was brought to you by our product, Clarityflow. Try it for free at Clarityflow. com, or you can book a free demo and consultation call to see how you can grow your coaching business on Clarityflow. Thanks for tuning in. I'll see you next time.